Four-Day Quantum Activism Intensive WS, Dr Amit Goswami Ph.D.

In this workshop, participants will explore the transformative aspects of quantum physics.

 That in a succinct way are: nonlocality (the ability to communicate without signals); discontinuity (the ability to quantum jumps without going through the intermediate stages); and entangled hierarchy (the capacity for causally circular relations).

 This workshop will also explain how you can use these quantum principles to guide yourself and your society toward creativity and conflict resolution as well as learning to use the energies of love.

Through intellectual and experiential sessions, Professor Goswami will lead participants through a series of exercises on how to make creative choices that culminate in their own transformation. Participants will come out with a clear sense of how to overcome the barriers to creative choice, how to align with the evolutionary movement of consciousness and how to reach enlightened states of consciousness.

Who is it for?

- For those who want to make a difference in how they live, how they "earn" their lives, and how they relate to people and the world.

There is no prerequisite! Professionals from the most diverse areas have participated in these workshops over the years: doctors, therapists, education professionals, executives, entrepreneurs, professionals, coaches, artists, students, retirees and people in the process of career transition.


These will be some of the topics covered in the Intensive Workshop:

What is enlightenment?

Quantum Physics and the Zen Koans

What quantum physics teaches us about the fundamental reality of Being

The quantum science of experience and the importance of feeling, meaning and archetypes, as truth and love

The quantum science of making choices and manifestations

The essence of quantum creativity

The Quantum Physics of Meditation

Satori and the surprise "aha"

Balancing ki (vital energy) in its yin (conditioned) and yang (creative) aspects

Emotional intelligence: awakening the heart center


The enlightened states of consciousness

Two types of lighting


Expected result by participants:

 1) Participants will have a clear conceptual awareness that consciousness is the basis of every being, and it is possible to achieve the enlightened state of consciousness through the quantum creative process.

2) Participants will have a clear understanding of quantum creativity and the quantum processing involved with it. They will also experiment with techniques of quantum processing of creativity.

3) Certificate of Participation

4) A unique immersion in the paradigms of quantum consciousness, guided by one of the most brilliant beings of this age, Dr Amit Goswami!


Note: The Workshop will be translated simultaneously from  English to Portuguese and the number of places is limited due to the intensive format of the workshop.


Ph.D em física quântica pela Universidade de Calcutá (Índia) e professor emérito da Universidade do Oregon (EUA), o indiano Amit Goswami é referência mundial em estudos que conciliam ciência e espiritualidade. Sua visão integradora, a visão de mundo quântica, o tornou mundialmente conhecido, seja em filmes como o documentário Quem somos nós? ou em palestras e cursos que ministra anualmente em diversos países. É também fundador da primeira escola de transformação  baseada na visão de mundo quântica, a Quantum Academy.

Goswami escreveu os best-sellers A Física da Alma, O Universo Autoconsciente, O Ativista Quântico e outros seis títulos, todos publicados em português.

"Dr. Amit Goswami é uma das mentes mais brilhantes do mundo da ciência. Suas percepções sobre a relação entre física e consciência influenciaram profundamente minha compreensão e sou-lhe profundamente grato. ”—Deepak Chopra

ÉVORA, de 06 a 09 de JUNHO de 2019

Exopolitics Conference on June 15 in Évora
Start: 15 June 2019

Évora Hotel - Évora




Dr. Amit Goswami, Theoretical Quantum Physicist, is a retired professor in the Physics Department at the University of Oregon, where he taught from 1968 to 1997. He is a pioneer of the new paradigm of science called "science within consciousness," an idea that he explained in his reference book, The Self-Aware Universe, where he also solved the problem of quantum measurement, elucidating the famous "observer" effect.

Goswami wrote several other popular books based on his research on quantum physics and consciousness. In Physics of the Soul, he developed a theory of survival after death and reincarnation. In The Quantum Doctor, Goswami sought to integrate conventional and alternative medicine. In Creative Evolution, Goswami presented a resolution between Darwinism and the intelligent design of life. In God Is Not Dead, he stated that not only science and religion are compatible, but that quantum physics proves the existence of God. In Quantum Creativity, Goswami explained all facets of creativity - its definition, the quantum thinking it involves, and what it takes to be creative. At Quantum Economics, he focused on critical issues for a new paradigm in economics and business for the twenty-first century, addressing the stability and sustainability of economics and leadership, as well as creativity and business ethics. In his most recent book, The Everything Answer Book, Goswami's basic premise is that quantum physics is not only the future of science but also the key to understanding consciousness, death, God, psychology and the meaning of life.

Recognizing the widespread need to implement quantum physics solutions to global crises in economics, politics, education, the environment and health, Goswami and his colleagues launched Quantum Activism Vishwalayam (Sanskrit, World Headquarters), a teaching institution India, which will offer students, as an on-line graduate, training in transformation, in consciousness and the quantum view of the world with an emphasis on quantum life and the exploration of their integration into their professional activities .

In his private life, Goswami is a practitioner of spirituality and transformation. Self-inculcates as a quantum activist. He participated in the movie What the Bleep Do We Know !? and his sequel Down the Rabbit Hole, as well as the Dalai Lama Renaissance documentaries and the award-winning The Quantum Activist.


Cristina Leandro Faria (Host Facilitator)

Co-Founder and Coordinator of the Foundation of Being Project.

Cristina Leandro Faria has extensive experience in several different sectors of activity, resulting from the activity as Management Consultant and Coaching.

She has an academic background in management with strong leadership skills and systemic strategic planning, with 15 years of leadership experience in the financial and tourism services sectors

Specialist and pioneer in Portugal in QE, QS and Integral Systemic Approach, where she has been developing various awareness-raising tools for both organizations and the individual public.

She dedicated her life to study, relearning and developing tools to respond to what she considers to be the greatest challenge of all: the discovery of Being, the discovery of Consciousness. And so she went through many different paths of learning, some more and others less conventional, visited many places in this wonderful planet always in search of inspiration in the different cultures and philosophical currents.

She considers herself a "Explorer of the Consciousness" and believes that it is through the Expansion of Consciousness that the human being can achieve the levels of peace and happiness that so longs for, which in turn will help to create models of more sustainable societies and more "human".

As a result of her considerable experience as an Integral Coach, she has a notion that the old existential paradigms are changing drastically, and since she believes that this change will result in a huge advance in global consciousness, she decided to create a Project that has as its main mission to be a solid facilitator of change, associating with people and projects with whom it shares the same vision and the same values, regardless of the form or language with which they manifest it.


Take the event program with you.

Use your smartphone or tablet barcode reader.

Registration Fees  (Tickets for sale on February)

More Information E-mail:

Where everything happens!

Évora  "Libertas Julia"

"Crowned by its imposing cathedral, Évora is cut on a gentle hill in the vast horizon of the Alentejo plain, and keeps its historic center, surrounded by a vast culture of walls,a valuable cultural heritage that UNESCO has considered a World Heritage Site. The city, wherethe narrow streets of Moorish evocation, contrast with squares flooded with light, set in two millennia of history. "



Évora Hotel

Special conditions of accommodation and meals for participants in the Workshop.

The accommodation is subject to availability of the hotel (note that Évora has a very high occupancy rate) and reservations

must be made through the email indicating that you are participating in the Workshop.

Meals (lunch, dinner) in regional buffet:

           - table of starters (assorted salads), I dish soup, I fish dish, I meat dish, I vegetarian dish and dessert table.

           Drinks included are: house wine, beer, soft drinks, water and coffees.

           Price per meal / per person: € 19.50 (meals must be purchased from the reception desk at the time of the Workshop's accreditation).